The combination of passion and experience was the main reason behind creating EPISTEME. We are deeply convinced that only a desire to explore new solutions may guarantee success and encourage further development. For this reason, EPISTEME should be seen not only as a company providing advisory services, but also as a project comprising experts representing different fields and having different professional experience.
Taking into account our previous experience in training as well as our research record, EPISTEME offers advisory services in:
• administration and finance,
• production process optimization,
• problems of communication and media
• practical aspects of operation of the railway market.
The diversity of interests allows us to learn from each other in practice and create a knowledge-based company. With a view to further development we would like to emphasize that EPISTEME is an open project in collaboration with experts from various fields.
So far, we have projects in the areas of:
• Production process optimization,
• Design and implementation of systems for financial reporting as well as management systems for manufacturing, commercial, and construction management projects,
• Internal communication and knowledge management method based on the SNA,
• Strategy development,
• Implementation of ERP systems,
• Budgeting,
• Advice on the Strategic Rail in Poland
• Active lobbying.
Our professional activity is also focused on trying to incorporate work of scientists and experts.
Paweł Stępka responsible for the area of communication and media in 2007, he defended a doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science in the field of institutionalized lobbying for the largest European television sector in the EU, applying the social network analysis (Analysis Social Network - SNA). Since 2005, as an expert working with the Council of Europe, he has participated in the work of expert groups for the mass media. Member of the International Network for Social Network Analysis.
Konrad Subda responsible for land management and finance; in 2008 he was conferred upon the degree of the doctor of economic sciences in the field of management at the University of Economics. Professional, he is a scientist and deals with issues related to the creation of a modern enterprise (Value Based Management - VBM) and the practical aspects of managing large business organizations, with a corporate capital structure. He gained his professional experience as the Financial Director in corporations from such industries as construction, FMCG, petrochemical. He also teaches in Ciechanów PWSZ.
More research on issues in the Read tab, Fields of Knowledge
SNA w zarządzaniu projektami
Na stronie dodana została prezentacja multimedialna na temat możliwości wykorzystania analizy sieci społecznych (SNA) w zarządzaniu projektami.
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EPISTEME Managers o wykorzystaniu SNA w komunikacji wewnętrznej
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Prezentacje Episteme na Slideshare
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Uaktualniona lista imprez poświęconych SNA
Uaktualniona została lista konferencji, seminariów i warsztatów poświęconych analizie sieci społecznych (SNA), które zostały zaplanowane na rok 2009.
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