Fields of expertise
As mentioned episteme is a company that combines professional experience with passion for research. This site has been created in order to share with you our scientific interests, such as social network analysis (Social Network Analysis - SNA), and management by value (Value Based Management - VBM).
Professional career and scientific research activities allows us to expand our theoretical and practical knowledge in both fields and explore any areas common to both issues, which should facilitate development of effective tools used by firms in the largest economies of the world.
One of the common areas of research is strategic firm analysis on the basis of various economic factors, relationships between capital, personnel, and contract. An important part of research is focused on searching the links between the value of the enterprise and the capital of the key employees of the company. We are currently investigating the possibility of extending the use of network analysis into measuring the flow of information and knowledge in organizations.
In addition, we also seek opportunities for SNA implementation for websites based on social relations and for using methods of analysis for the use of network marketing.
Most of the relevant information about the research areas is presented in sections SNA and VBM, along with a description of specific products offered in our consulting services.
At the same time we would like to emphasize that we are open to various forms of cooperation which are within the scope of our interest, which could accelerate development in these areas of expertise, as well as help in promoting them among Polish companies and research centres.
SNA w zarządzaniu projektami
Na stronie dodana została prezentacja multimedialna na temat możliwości wykorzystania analizy sieci społecznych (SNA) w zarządzaniu projektami.
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EPISTEME Managers o wykorzystaniu SNA w komunikacji wewnętrznej
EPISTEME Managers zostało zaproszone do projektu „Jak budować relacje z otoczeniem - szkolenia z komunikacji w organizacjach" organizowanym przez PWSZ im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej.
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Prezentacje Episteme na Slideshare
Zapraszamy na nasz profil stworzony na serwisie Slideshare.W tym miejscu możecie Państwo znaleźć nasze prezentacje multimedialne,
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Uaktualniona lista imprez poświęconych SNA
Uaktualniona została lista konferencji, seminariów i warsztatów poświęconych analizie sieci społecznych (SNA), które zostały zaplanowane na rok 2009.
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